With financial challenges, talent shortages, market consolidation and navigating an unprecedented environment, the pressures of being a non-profit executive and governing board can feel unbearable at times—unless you can lean on an experienced, trusted partner.

Our services are tailored to what fits best for you, but often include:

7 Elements of Effectiveness

Our distinctive approach identifies key areas that can drive the success of your Board and your organization:

Board structure and composition

It all starts with a clear assessment of your current Board structure and composition. We analyze features such as size, competencies, diversity, independence and committee roles and structure. Finding the right balance is one key to optimizing the makeup of your Board.


We guide you in the creation of succession plans to ensure strong Board and Committee leadership now and for the future.

Roles and responsibilities

We bring a focus on defining role clarity across your Board and management team, so you can balance fiduciary and strategic oversight with operational management. An understanding of core roles helps facilitate flexibility as circumstances require you to be able to shift between normal operations to crisis management.


Our expertise helps you cultivate trust, collaboration and camaraderie across all members of your organization’s Board and management team.

Board development

FGC helps you develop a plan to provide your Board members the information and resources they need to best serve your organization, such as onboarding and orientation, ongoing education, and an assessment of individual and collective effectiveness.

Meeting optimization

From agenda and materials development to meeting facilitation, FGC advises you how to use the precious commodity of time wisely to maximize your Board and Committee meetings.

Robust Support

FGC recognizes the importance of “behind the scenes” support for overall Board effectiveness. We will guide you in developing structure and processes to maximize content creation, materials and portal management, overall logistics, and critical communication to keep your Board high functioning.

Let's Talk

Forward offers a complimentary discussion to learn more about your consulting and coaching needs. There’s no commitment, just an opportunity to explore opportunities to move your organization and your leadership FORWARD.